Moving Words

Moving words

In late night discussion

Sporadic thoughts

Where we are moving

To the deserts of the west

Canopy of south of the Midwest

Through highway curves

And underpasses

I am left feeling lost

Lost between New York

And LA

Not quite sure where

The words will take us


Lost in a cover of clouds

Covering my thoughts

So silent

And so loud

No feeling about the future

No recollection of the past

My love asks me with weary eyes

Is there any wrong

Or any right

To this question that we seek

Answers to tonight

Maybe Georgia

Or the Smokies in NC

That is where my heart will be

Perhaps in the desert with

Snakes and cactus

This conversation always seems to lose


Somewhere in the US we will be

Tomorrow and the day after

Perhaps even a year from now

These moving words have no

Real ability to move me

And I am sure we will revisit this

In these late night car seats