Pfizer and Allergan, Please


I read

In the New York Times

Major corporations

Move overseas

Conglomerate fakes

For certain tax breaks

Yet they all expect

If they see a hole in the street

Or need to call the police

That all is well

Quick responses

To their high rise suite

How does it work

Let’s put Capitalism on display

Say that making money

Is the ultimate goal

This I understand

But to cut your dues short

Of what you owe

To have the same expectations

Around you

But have less money to owe

I find this ironic sense of entitlement

A great piece exposing

An even greater dissent

I find it morally deviant

To grab the cash

And make the midnight dash

Move “operations” overseas

To see how big your tax break can be

It would seem that violates the calling

Of watching each others back

Taking care of others

If they are stalling

All for a little extra cash befalling

To these companies I wave goodbye

I just scratch my head and sigh

Is it just a sign of the times

Take what you can and fly

Morally, I would rather die

Than watch these sick

Money grabbing bastards

Eat our pie