There are No Actors

Real people showing up in real rooms

Filled with real emotions

Not a Facebook news story

Not cheap news shared from a desktop

But real people

Real hearts and real concerns

Time to face the facts

People are not happy

And it is not for the reasons we see on the news


Keep your ear to the ground and you will hear

The hearts of the people

Not in tune with media

But in tune with each other

Preparing to change the future

The Wandering Heart

The wandering heart

Is a stranger in a coat

A scarecrow vintage and old

Left me many years ago


The wandering heart knows no home

Roaming the land looking for those it knows

But rather unknown

This heart I have


The wandering heart is a shed in the forest

Unattended and porous

Moss strewn floors

To young hearts it has been abetted and undone


My wandering heart grows cold

Looking for light in a dark circle of a world

Revolving on hearts pumping

Focused on a world of skepticism and critique


My heart is growing cold